Item Code: America Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque (美国Queen Helene海轮皇后薄荷深层清洁面膜)
Size: 85g
Price: RM26* Suitable for skin with blackhead, large pores, acne (For sensitive skin, please use cautiously)
* This original masque treatment helps to dry up acne pimples, rinses away blackheads and even shrinks enlarged pores.
Ingredients: Distilled Water, Kaolin, Bentonite, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Propylene Glycol, Sulfur, Chromium Oxide Greens, Fragrance, Methylparaben
1. Cleanse face thoroughly. Apply masque and scrap off after 5 minutes, use sponge to cleanse face again.
2. Leave on acne areas for 15 minutes or overnight, if desired.
适合肤质: 黑头、粗大毛孔、暗疮肌肤(敏感肌肤慎用)
成份: 纯水、高岭土、火山灰土、甘油(粘土成份会让产品出口处有部分凝固,用时可先挤掉一段再用)
1. 在使用部位敷厚厚一层,5分钟左右刮掉,再用海绵清洗,这时候就看到黑头或白头已经在表面上了。不要等到面膜干透了再洗,
还可以让脸部毛细孔, 肌肉放松。如果用在未出头的痘痘上,就要敷久一点,15分钟左右。也可以睡前敷在痘痘上, 早上起来再洗掉。
会有很明显的效果. 但是保湿要做好.