Monday, 26 January 2009

Flamingo Mascara 300% longer (上海创馨 火烈鸟睫毛膏极不可思议纤长心跳组合 拉长300%)

Item Code: Flamingo Mascara 300% longer (上海创馨 火烈鸟睫毛膏极不可思议纤长心跳组合 拉长300%)
Functions: 300% Longer eye lashes
Price: RM30

* 睫毛纤长秘籍组合,由根部至尾稍最大限度的增长睫毛,根根纤长分明。
* 错落有致的自然妆效,仿佛与生俱来。另类的配方设计,更给上妆过程带来全新体验和无穷乐趣!
* 两支装,长的是嫁接液、短的是纤维,先用黑色打底,在用白色纤维,最后在用黑色定妆,如此反复直到您满意的长度为止。
* 秘制嫁接液无比贴合、柔顺舒适的质地,可轻易塑造毫无瑕疵的无限纤长睫毛!其配方中融合了具有神奇附着力的聚合物,
* 主要成份:水、天然蜂蜡、巴西棕榈蜡、氧化铁黑、丙烯酸共聚物、尼龙12、硬脂酸、丙二醇、乳化剂。净含量:7ml
* 纤长天然纤维100%天然、宛如自然生长的睫毛,不会对眼部产生任何刺激。净含量:0.8g

* This is a highly raved type of mascara on the net, which comes in 2 tubes, one for fiber another is the mascara
it self
* Black color
* Lenghten your lashes by 300%!
* Consists of 1 tube transplanting gel mascara (7ml) & 1 tube fibre (0.8gram)
* Main Ingredients for Mascara: Water, natural beeswax, carnauba wax, oxidized iron oxide,
trimithylene glycol, emulsifier.
* Fibre: 100% natural fibre.
* Apply transplanting gel mascara. Before it dries up, apply fibre.
* Re-apply transplanting gel mascara over it.
* Apply fibre at lower 1/3 area and complete by the last application of the transplanting gel mascara.

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