Thursday, 15 January 2009

Highest-Caviar Extract Mask (极品鱼子酱水凝膜保湿补水)

Item Code: Highest-Caviar Extract Mask (极品鱼子酱水凝膜保湿补水)
Size: 10g
Functions: Prevent the forming of pigmentation, Brightening, Moisturizing, Improve skin tone and fine lines, improve skin firming and elasticity, prevent skin roughness.
Price: RM38

特色: 防止肌肤色素沈淀,嫩白亮丽肌肤, 高度保湿、润泽肌肤, 改善肌肤黯沈及细纹, 让肌肤紧致有弹性, 改善肌肤干荒粗糙

This is a mask or also can be a cream. It is highly moisturized, you can feel unstoppable water flowing into your skin when applying.

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